Leader & Heir Info

 Leader & Heir Info:

Leader Info:

As of version 0.9, the Leader & Heir system has been completely re-done. Leaders and heirs now have ages, simple stats, and health/age-based deaths.

Age: This is the general age of a leader and determines the general likelihood that a leader will randomly die.

Health: This determines a leader's likelihood of death at an older age. High health throughout life will likely lead to long-lived and long reigning rulers. Old age and low health will very likely result in the death of a leader.

Happiness: This stat has little effect but will be expound upon in future updates.

Popularity: This stat measures how well-liked a leader is amongst the general population in a nation, and it will shift based on the success of the current government (with a few random bumps here and there). 

It should be noted that in dictatorships this value will not shift, and the user will not know the actual popularity of the dictator.

Party: The political party that a nation's leader is currently affiliated with.

Culture: The culture that a nation's leader is a part of.

Years in Power: This is a measurement of how long a leader has been in power and is tallied up over time.

Heir Info:

Age: This is the general age of an heir and determines the general likelihood that an heir will randomly die.

Health: This determines an heir's likelihood of death at an older age. High health throughout life will likely lead to long-lived heirs. Old age and low health will very likely result in the death of an heir.

Happiness: This stat has little effect but will be expound upon in future updates.

Party: The political party that a nation's heir is currently affiliated with.

Culture: The culture that a nation's heir is a part of.

The heir is known as an heir in the following government types: Autocracy, Monarchy, Theocracy.

The heir is known as a vice in the following government types: Republic, Dictatorship, Federation, Oligarchy

The way to gain an heir is different for different government types. There is information regarding this below.

Heir Acquisition per Government:

Republic - An heir is assigned whenever an election is won and will be a part of the leader's party.

Dictatorship - An heir is assigned whenever an election is won and will be a part of the leader's party.

Federation - An heir is assigned whenever an election is won and will be a part of the leader's party.

Autocracy - An heir is born at some point and will retain the same last name that the current leader has.

Oligarchy - An heir is assigned whenever an election is won and will be a part of the leader's party.

Theocracy - An heir will be selected at random to hold the religious throne.

Monarchy - An heir is born at some point and will retain the same last name that the current leader has.

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