General Info


Note - Some information on this page may be outdated, but it still contains a large quantity of useful information regarding the game. If you notice any outdated information, please bare with me, or feel free to email me about it (my email is at the bottom of this page to whom it may concern).

There are four main screens in the game, and for each screen there are a number of differing screens that will allow you to grow your nation. The navigation bar for these is located at the top of your screen.

The first is the 'Nation' screen, which has six sub-screens (Summary, Cities, Economy, History, Government, and General Info). This screen is used to view nation information and create/view your cities. In order to get from sub-screen to sub-screen there are arrows on the lower part of the screen that allow navigation. Note that in the 'Cities' sub-screen, you can also manage your cities by clicking on a city's 'manage' button.

The second screen is the 'Trade' screen. On this screen you have the option of buying form the nations in the world that you aren't at war with, and the ability to sell your goods (globally) for fixed prices.

The third is the 'Military' screen, which has three sub-screens (Recruitment, Selection of Target, and Deployment of troops). This screen allows you to create and manage a military and is where you can conduct operations on behalf of your nation. Once you deploy your troops, you will be confronted with a 'Battle Details' screen, which will give you all kinds of information regarding the outcome of the battle.

The fourth is the 'Diplomacy' screen, which will display all of the nations in the world and will have 'Diplomacy' and 'Info' buttons. The first button allows you to conduct diplomatic operations with other nations. The second will give you information regarding the strength and power of the nation. Note that any nations with the tag '(WP)' to the right of their name are considered world powers.

At the very bottom of your screen, you will see the 'Resources' screen, which displays your resources and their current values. It also displays the change of those resources since the end of the last turn.

In order to attack a nation, you must first declare war on them using the diplomacy screen. After this, you'll want to head on over to the military screen and make sure that you have recruited an army of some kind. On that same screen, click the right arrow at the bottom. 

From here you can select a nation to attack. When you've clicked on that nation you will be directed to the attack screen. Select what you would like to use against your enemy and press the attack button.

The game will display random events in your nation (according to the difficulty that you are playing on) every so many turns.


The resources available in the game are Wood, Iron, Coal, Gold, Food, Steel, Lead, Bauxite, Aluminum, Uranium, Silicon, Energy, and Cash.

The production values are constant and are fueled by your nation's buildings. 

In order to maintain your nation's energy (without which you will have virtually no industrial output), you will need to create coal mines. All resources except cash are capped, as cash can be both negative and positive, this is for future updates.

WOOD: Is one of the two primary building materials in the game and is required in the construction of every building in the game. Wood can be acquired by building forestry depts in your cities. Each dept provides 200 wood per turn. 

IRON: Iron is the second primary building material in the game, and many of the game's building's require iron in its construction. Iron can be acquired by constructing an Iron Mine. Iron Mines create 50 iron per turn.

COAL: Is a major energy resource in the game. Coal can be acquired by building a Coal Mine. Coal Mines produce 95 coal per turn. 

GOLD: Is very important for the growth of your economy. Without at least some gold, your nation's Companies and Corporations will not produce money, and neither will Banks or Exchanges. Gold can be primarily acquired by constructing Gold Mines which produce 30 gold per turn but can be found in small amounts in Iron Mines and Lead Mines.
FOOD: Is the dictator of life or death for your nation. When you have no food, your population will quickly begin to starve. Food can be acquired by constructing Farms. Farms produce 1000 food per turn but use 5 energy as well.
STEEL: Is a strong and durable building material, which can be acquired by constructing Foundries. Foundries require coal and iron to function and produce 25 steel per turn. They also require 5 energy per turn.
LEAD: Is used for maintaining the military, and you cannot go into battle without having lead. Lead can be acquired by constructing Lead Mines. Lead Mines produce 180 lead and require 5 energy per turn.

BAUXITE: Is used to in the creation of Aluminum and can be acquired by constructing a Quarry. A quarry will mine 100 bauxite per turn and does not require energy (for now).
ALUMINUM: Is used for creating aircraft and can be acquired by constructing Aluminum Foundries which produce 25 aluminum per turn at a cost of 2 energy per turn.
URANIUM: Is used for constructing nuclear weapons and can be acquired by constructing a Uranium Mine. Depending on the education in your nation you can pull up to 10 uranium per turn per mine, at an energy cost of 15 per turn (per mine).

SILICON: Is used to construct missiles and can be acquired by constructing a quarry. A quarry will produce 100 silicon per turn.
CASH: Is used to pay for everything in the game, and can be acquired by producing a Bank, Company, Corporation, or Exchange. All of the previously mentioned buildings require a positive gold value to operate.
ENERGY: Is a measurement of your nation's current energy output vs its current energy consumption. Energy can be generated via solar, wind, coal, or nuclear plants.
POPULATION: The people of your nation. If you have less than 20, you die. If you have no food, they die. Population will build progressively throughout the game depending (which can increase or decrease based on housing).
EDUCATION: The measurement that is primarily based on how many schools you have vs how many people are in your nation. Warning: You cannot produce silicon, uranium, or aluminum without having some education.
HAPPINESS: The measurement of an average citizen's happiness in your nation. This has a huge effect on your overall production. Higher happiness will generally lead to an easier time producing resources. It can be increased by having a low tax rate, high education, and higher quality of life. Below 50 is considered low.
PUBLIC HEALTH: The measurement of the nation's public health. This is measured out of 100. That is to say that having 100 public health would be absolutely impeccable and having 0 would be considered horrible. Public Health serves as the primary driver of population growth from housing in cities. Low health = low population growth.
REVOLT DESIRE: This is the population's desire to rise up against you. If you have low happiness, this will increase. If you have higher happiness this will decrease.
CRIME: This is the current rate of crime in your nation (from 0 to 100). It increases per turn by your population divided by 1000. If it gets too high, your nation will suffer for it. Police Stations and Police HQs will cut this down severely.
QUALITY OF LIFE: This is drawn from happiness, high food quantity, and low crime rate. It will have a major impact on people's willingness to revolt. 

ESPIONAGE POINTS: Espionage points are garnered at a rate of 5 per turn by intelligence agencies. They are to be used against other nations in spy/espionage attempts.


Buildings are the main economic building blocks of the game. They are used to create goods, house people, and conduct business.

SHANTY TOWNS: Are small scale, very poorly constructed high-density housing.

APARTMENT COMPLEXES: Are slightly nicer high density housing solutions.

SUBURBS: Are quite nice, spacy, medium density houses.

PENTHOUSE TOWERS: Are incredibly nice deluxe suites for the top echelons of society to reside in.

BANKS: Are storage locations for money (they generate it too) and are highly important pieces of any economy.

SMALL COMPANIES: Are smaller businesses that generate capital within your economy. They require some amount of gold and energy to function.

CORPORATIONS: Are larger business entities that contribute fairly vast sums of wealth to to your economy. They require some amount of gold and energy to function.

STOCK EXCHANGES: Where your top business investors gather to exchange stocks, bonds, and cash. These buildings require some amount of gold and energy to function.

FARMS: These constructs produce food for the hungry citizens of your nation.

FORESTRY DEPTS: These buildings cut down forests and generate wood for your nation. They are possibly the most valuable building asset in the game.

COAL MINE: These generate coal for your nation, which is essential to run coal plants.

GOLD MINE: These generate gold for your nation, which is what your currency is backed on (for now).

IRON MINE: These generate iron for your nation, and on top of be essential for industrialization, these are absolutely necessary in order to produce steel.

LEAD MINE: These provide the lead that is necessary for your nation to wage war (lead is needed for a large assortment of ammunition types).

URANIUM MINE: These buildings supply your military with the nuclear material that is necessary to run nuclear plants and create nuclear weapons.

QUARRIES: These generate bauxite and silicon (with decent education) for your nation and are essential for the production of aluminum (which is essential for the construction and maintenance of a national air force).

FOUNDRIES: These generate steel for your nation. Steel is essential for the development of tanks, and many buildings.

ALUMINUM FOUNDRIES: These buildings are where bauxite is converted into aluminum. Aluminum is essential for creating and maintaining an air force for your nation.

BARRACKS: These buildings are for the development of soldiers, which are necessary for the protection of your nation.

AIRBASES: These are necessary for the production, storage, and fleet maintenance of an air force (Jets and Bombers).

DOCKYARDS: These are necessary for the production, storage, and fleet maintenance. of naval vessels (warships).

BALLISTIC SILOS: These are necessary for the storage and launch of missiles. You cannot produce missiles for combat without having a location like this.

NUCLEAR SILOS: These are necessary for the storage and launch of nuclear missiles. You cannot produce nuclear missiles without having a place to launch them from.

THEATERS: Are small-time entertainment (future updates) locations and will generate income for your nation. Gold and energy are requirements. 

CASINOS: Are entertainment facilities that generate fair incomes for your nation. Gold and energy are requirements.

RESORTS: Are larger entertainment venues that generate substantial incomes for your nation.

STADIUMS: Are the big-league entertainment venues. They also generate big-league cash.

SCHOOLS: Are the basic education buildings and serve to educate the future generations of your people.

HIGH SCHOOLS: Are secondary education buildings that are designed primarily for the education teen-aged people.

COLLEGES: Serves as pre-university (trade school?) education. For older teenagers and young adults.

UNIVERSITIES: The highest form of education there is, and the best education building there is. Usually, older teenagers and adults of all ages can be found here.

SOLAR PLANTS: These buildings utilize the energy produced by the sun and draw electricity from it. They are small, mean, and green (low power).

WIND PLANTS: These buildings utilize the energy that can be produced by strong winds and draw energy. (low energy)

COAL PLANTS: These buildings use coal to create energy for your nation. They produce a fair amount of power but are bad for the environment. (medium energy)

NUCLEAR PLANTS: These buildings utilize (at least in the game) uranium to produce a pretty crazy amount of energy and are generally not too bad for the environment when waste is well managed. (high energy)

CLINICS: These are small public health facilities and are utilized by small cities to maintain and protect the health of their population (2PH/Turn). You must have positive energy levels for this building to operate.

HOSPITALS: These are medium sized public health facilities and are used by towns (and cities) to maintain the health of the folks that live there (4PH/Turn). You must have positive energy levels for this building to operate.
RESEARCH HOSPITALS: These are fairly large sized public health facilities that are very effective at maintaining the health of your nation's people (10 PH/Turn). You must have positive energy levels for this building to operate.

CDCS: These are the largest public health buildings around. They aren't so much hospitals as they are giant health and disease research facilities. They contribute greatly to the overall health of your nation (14PH/Turn). You must have positive energy levels for this building to operate.

POLICE STATIONS: Bases of operation for local law enforcement officers. Reduces crime significantly. 

POLICE HQs: Large law enforcement headquarters that houses a vast amount of police and police utilities. Reduces crime significantly. 

INTELLIGENCE AGENCIES: Super secret espionage entities. They will generate 5 espionage points per turn.

FOREIGN EXCHANGES: These are currency exchanges that may be built within foreign (NPC/AI) nations by the user's nation. The user may construct up to one of these per nation and will receive massive reductions in the cost of goods that are imported from said nations.

FOREIGN EMBASSIES: These will maintain relations with the foreign nations that they are built in. They will increase the user's relationship with each nation by 10 per turn.


Declarations of war will cause your relations (with the new enemy) to suffer heavily (-50). For each turn that the war persists, you will lose 5 (-5) relations.

If your relations with a particular nation are below 0, you will no longer have the ability to do diplomacy with that nation. Eventually I will add random events that will help this.

If your relations with a particular nation are below 20, they may choose to insult you (especially if they are stronger than you).

If your relations with a particular nation are high enough, you may choose to ally with them, which can protect you from conflict (unless the aggressor believes that they can take on the entire alliance, that is).

If you have less than 20 people, you will lose the game. If you have forced an AI nation to the point of having less than 100 citizens, they will be destroyed.

The max building count per city is 99. The maximum population per city (for now) is 999999.

You can choose multiple game-modes which will give you a different game length (500 turns, 1000 turns, 2000 turns, 25000 turns, 50000 turns).

If you only have one city, your capitol will become that city. For now, this is the only way to switch your nation's capital (will be changed in future updates).

The usage of the Page Up/Page Down system is in order to get past a limitation of the gui framework that this game is using, and is for screen sizes where the scroll bars are un-usable (it's also pretty useful for smaller screen sizes). Please bare with me here.

Taxes are on a scale of 0 to 1 (0% to 100%). The more you take the more you get, but at the cost of population happiness.

You can enact edicts on behalf of your nation. Each one will give you an output boost in their respective fields, but will cost some cash per turn to maintain.

Different difficulties now effect base resources as well as AI nation strength.

You can institute drafts at the expense of spending a lot more per troop per turn. Launching a draft also temporarily nullifies your max troop count (this is for TOTAL WAR). This can be very useful if you are randomly invaded, but troops will cost more to maintain, and your people will become pretty unhappy.

You can legalize drugs, which will set your happiness minimum to 30, but can significantly impair your public health under the right circumstances.

Your GDP is a rough calculation of your nation's total economic output based on a lot of different measurable factors.

You can surrender in war. If you do, you will automatically lose and be forced to pay hefty reparations.

If you have a monarchy, dictatorship, or theocracy, you will eventually birth an heir to your throne. 

Both your leader and heir can die.

Republics and Federations will now elect leaders on an election cycle of your choosing (default is 16 turns).

AI nations now have flaglet symbols and leaders.

It costs 2000 cash to improve relations with another nation.

Political Parties are used to determine your 'right to rule' for nations that are democratic or have an elective process.

Revolts slash crime and increase quality of life for a time but will often lead to more revolts.

If your nation meets certain requirements, it will get certain traits at the end of the game.

You have the option to train your military forces, which will make them a lot more efficient in battle.

The implementation of slavery will force your population to produce food, coal, steel, and lead, but will make your people absolutely miserable.

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